LGBTQIA+ Working Group


The LGBTQIA+ Working Group was formed to ensure that our congregation’s culture is open, affirming, and inclusive to all who seek out Unitarian Universalism. It has historically, and continues to be, difficult for many who identify as LGBTQIA+ to find a religious community. We strive to be a place where all who are aligned with our 7 UU Principles feel at home regardless of how they identify.

The reality of legal set backs, the risk of inhumane Supreme Court decisions, and the increased violence against people who identify as a member of any LGBTQIA+ group, requires that we be vigilant in our engagement and that we work in partnership with local and national groups fighting for LGBTQIA+ justice.

Language Matters

At UU Catskills we strive to not marginalize individuals by using the incorrect language when talking with people in the LGBTQIA+ community. We recognize that learning some basic vocabulary and using proper pronouns are important steps in seeing people as they are and not “othering” anyone. To gain a better understanding of pronouns and common terms used when talking about the LGBTQIA+ community, click pronouns.

*Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Questioning or Queer, Intersex, Asexual, + refers to the other 9 identities that exist within human sexuality that do not fit into the previously mentioned identities.


Dutchess Pride Center:

Hudson Valley LGBTQ Community Center:

Newburgh LGBTQ Center:

UUA’s LGBTQ Justice offers many resources for individuals and congregations:

Pronouns 101: HRCFoundationPronouns

Anti-Transgender Bills Map: WashingtonPostAntiTransMap