Our Beliefs

Unitarian Universalists believe more than one thing. We have no shared creed. We are people of many backgrounds who have different beliefs, but shared values. Our shared covenant (our seven principles)  supports “the free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” Though Unitarianism and Universalism were both liberal Christian traditions, this responsible search has led us to embrace diverse teachings from Eastern and Western religions and philosophies.

We think for ourselves, and reflect together, about important questions:

  • The existence of a Higher Power

  • Life and Death

  • Sacred Texts

  • Inspiration and Guidance

  • Prayer and Spiritual Practices

We are united in our broad and inclusive outlook, and in our values, as expressed in our seven Principles. We are united in shared experience: our open and stirring worship services, religious exploration, and rites of passage; our work for social justice; our quest to include the marginalized; our expressions of love.

Our Mission

Our mission is diversity, community, growth, and action.

With respect for diversity of beliefs, identities, and approaches, we: offer a compassionate, supportive, welcoming community; provide opportunities for intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth;  and empower our members to act on our UU Principles in the world around us.

Our members and friends identify with a wide variety of theologies and spiritual practices, including Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Pagan, Humanist, Atheist, Agnostic, and others.  We welcome all people of goodwill, from any age, race, nationality, sexual orientation, gender expression, class, ability, or any other measure of human diversity.

The UU Catskills is a Welcoming Congregation!

Our Principles

What are the Unitarian Universalist Principles? 


Unitarian Universalism is a covenantal, rather than a creedal tradition.  This means that our common ground is a covenant - a set of mutual promises - rather than a creed - a set of shared beliefs.  Our covenant with the other member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association is known as the seven Unitarian Universalist Principles:

We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association covenant to affirm and promote:

  • The inherent worth and dignity of every person

  • Justice, equity and compassion in human relations

  • Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth

  • A free and responsible search for truth and meaning

  • The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process

  • World community with peace, liberty and justice for all

  • Respect for the interdependence of all existence of which we are a part

Covenant of UU Catskills


As members of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Catskills, we covenant with one another to embrace and pursue our congregational mission of diversity, community, growth, and action.  Specifically, we will:

Listen attentively and speak thoughtfully to one another.

Respect one another and choose not to denigrate those with whom we differ.

Support one another in times of need and be sensitive to other’s situations.

Be open to growth and change in ourselves and our congregation.

Incorporate the UU Principles in our lives.

Encourage and support one another in our efforts in the community.

Offer our involvement, volunteer time, and financial support as we are able.

Work together with kindness and humor whenever possible.

Recommit ourselves to this covenant as needed.

Assume best intentions in our interactions with one another.